I HATE it when my husband spontaneously makes plans without talking to me first. Or worse yet, bailing on the ones we did talk about! I am 33 weeks pregnant, recovering from an operation, and am needing to depend on him for a lot right now. This morning we talked about going grocery shopping together this evening. He's been out all day with friends and stopped at our goddaughter's birthday party for a bit (all of which he discussed with me before leaving). Just called him to see if he's coming home and he said he's out with a friend to try and sell one of their bikes, and won't be home for another hour and a half! It's 5:30 (party started at 2, so he was there a long time) and 
we have yet to have dinner, go grocery shopping, or tend to the painful and messy gauze packing from my operation (which I cannot do myself). What in the world made him think going that far out, this late in the day was a good idea?!?! He tries to fill every. single. minute. of his day and stresses himself out and I feel neglected and worthless. He knows how horrible I've felt all day and that I appreciate all he's had to do for me lately, and that my gift to him was the afternoon off! It makes me seriously feel like shit and I don't even know how to get angry about it. I know it won't do any good, but if I don't, I don't feel like he realizes how frustrating this is. I feel so submissive and tied up. What the heck!