Robert Lee

Robby and daddy :)
On the day before St Patrick's day I lost my muscus plug and was leaking fluids in hopes of starting labor naturally. I never really started to feel anything contractions but I was still leaking fluid around 7pm that day so I told my SO we needed to head to the ER and be checked and make sure little man was coming. Sure enough the test of the guild came back positive for it being amino child so they took me to L&D and started Pitocin and from then on it was a blur of curse words and pain but only after 2 and and half hours of pushing they had to use the vacuum to get him the rest of the way out since he was stuck on my public bone and I was getting too tired to keep pushing. Only pushed twice after that and he was out and all the pain and worry was over because my little Robby was finally here. 
He was born at 37 weeks and was 6lb 9oz 😍