Savannah Noelle


Tuesday 22nd March '16.

I had a midwife appointment at 3:10pm. I got there at 3:00pm, sat and waited, 3:10 came and another lady got called in for her appointment, as soon as she went in I started getting contractions. 3:20 came and it was finally my turn to see the midwife. I told her that I was having some pain whilst I was waiting. A midwife in training asked if she could stay for my appointment which was fine by me. The midwife took my blood pressure and it was a little high. Then they measured my tummy and felt the position of bubs and she was 2/5 engaged and could feel my contractions. They then listened to bubs heartbeat and it was a little slow. So I got told to drop in at the maternity ward to get checked over again as a precaution. Once I left I rang my husband at work, explained that I was having contractions and needed to have another checkup as a precaution. I picked him up rang my mum who was at our house helping me out with my other two girls. Then my husband and I went to maternity, took my blood pressure again and it turned out fine and bubs heart rate was normal again. But I was indeed having contractions. The midwife offered to let me stay until labor started because we live a 25 min drive away from town. But we ended up staying around town for a while until I decided to go home and get some rest. As soon as we got home I had a bath had something to eat then went to bed. By the time I finally got to sleep It was around 12:30am. I woke at 5:15am with more contractions. So I went to the loo, came out and timed my contractions. They were 2 mins apart. Woke hubby, my daughter who was begging me to come watch the labour. And also woke my mum. My dad ended staying at our place also that night which worked out well because he stayed behind with our 3 yr old. We arrived at the maternity ward and had two midwives with us. The same midwife in training from the day before was there and asked if she could assist with my labour. They were both wonderful and very understanding and helpful. Hubby was massaging my back non stop for the 5 hr labour. I had a pethadine shot. And the midwives kept asking if I was alright because of how quiet I was, not making a single sound (their words). Once pushing started I decided to lean over the head of the bed on all fours. Which was more comfortable for me. Hubby holding my hand and also massaging me with the other worked so well because it took my mind off the contractions a little. The midwife in training was on the other side of the bed next to me holding a cup of water and got me to have a sip after every contraction to keep me hydrated. That helped a lot. She was amazing. Always spoke with encouragement and told me how well I was doing. Along with hubby. Stroking my hair and shoulder just to keep me focused as I was exhausted by that time. Finally 5 hrs had gone by and I gave birth to our 3rd daughter, Savannah Noelle, at 10:20am on Wednesday 23rd March, weighing 7 pound 7 ounces and 49cm in length. The midwives let my hubby catch her on the last push out. He was so proud and ecstatic. My 9 yr old was pretty grossed out but was so happy to be allowed to experience that. She is absolutely in love with her new sister. My dad arrived a few minutes after the birth I think with our other daughter. Our 3 yr old was a little scared of her and didn't know what to think. I came home the next day. No tear. And I was feeling fine minus the 3 hrs of sleep that I got the night before.