Looking for a cycle buddie

Hi my names Natasha I'm from the UK, I'm a self employed hairdresser, I've been married for 2 years but he's been my childhood sweetheart as they say, I'm 29 just turn 😅 and I'm ttc.
 I had the implant taken out June 2014 (where I had no periods during my time on the implant) and have waited and given my body chance to 'get back to normal' it's taken its sweet time but since October 2015 I noticed my body started producing CM, so I took an ovulation test and got my first positive! Woohoo. 
Let the baby making begin.
I'm on my 5th cycle now, my cycles vary from 29 days to 33 days but my last two have been 38-40 days......  I have been under stress with work but the light at the end of the tunnel is finally here. I've just finished my period today and I'm starting a fresh this month, I've got a thermometer and ov test, and prenatal vitamins at the ready!