starting to get frustrated

Adika • just a bomb ass mom who all her dreams came true when i gave birth to my son. wifey since nov 2016
I guess it bc I'm still so early only 16w. I feel like time has slowed down alot. I'm not feeling the babay move which is normal for ftm. the US tech a few weeks ago told me i was measuring 3 days ahead so i changed my due date but my nurse just now said it goes by the date my dr gave me not an US tech so that made me sad too. my symtoms keep coming and going. and the drs don't really pay much attention to u I guess bc ur early. I'm at my ob appt now and I'm just sad I shouldn't be I just heard Lyndens heart beat so I know he's okay. so I guess I need to more thankful and patient. the end lol