How would you feel?


I'm feeling very upset at the moment. I had an argument with my husband over something really stupid and I can't understand whether all pregnant women would feel the same or it really just is me.

When I was coming up to my 20 weeks scan, my husband and I were very excited to find out the gender. I don't know why but I really felt like I was going to have a boy, my heart kept saying it was a boy. My husband first said girl and then was thinking a boy as well. His family wanted a boy. It is their first grandchild. When I went for my scan, they weren't able to tell me the gender because baby decided to cross their legs!

My husband insisted that I go to a private gender scan and find out the gender. I was working at the time and still had everything to get for the baby so I said no, I didnt want to waste money. However, he literally begged me to get it done (we are currently living in two different countries; don't ask) so I gave in and spent £55 just to find out the gender.

I found out I'm having a girl. I felt a little upset at first but then I got used to the idea and I am really excited to bring my baby girl into the world. I've had two scans after that, every time I go for the scan my husband says to me "ask them if its a girl or a boy" I get so frustrated because I literally saw her private parts, I saw the three lines. How more sure can someone be? Anyway the scan after that I agreed and asked them, they said girl. I told my husband he said "you never know of God's plans"- I thought what the hell? I had an argument with him. Anyway I had my final scan last week, again the same thing "ask them about the gender" I argued with him asking him what the hell he is on, I literally have seen her vagina both times, what more proof do you want? He got so pissed off with me when I said that, he said I have no shame or anything. I said what else do you want me to say? I cried for ages. I went to the scan, asked them again, saw again for myself, yes she's got a vagina and not a penis. Must definitely be a boy(!)

Anyway, the other day I was on the phone with him and his mum walked in the room and she didn't know I was on the phone, she said "your wife is going to go into labour soon, I know it. She's going to have a boy. She's going to give birth to a son." My husband said "whatever it is, I pray it's healthy" I didn't say anything at the time but today I brought it up with him. I told him that I feel like his family want a boy and keep giving themselves false hope of a boy. I told him that I feel like he is doing the same as well and that I feel very upset over the whole thing. We had a big argument. He told me that he feels ashamed of me because of the way I think. That his parents have their own wishes and dreams and I shouldn't be stupid and be upset over it.

We are having a daughter, can you stop saying that we're going to have a son.

I feel like they want us to have a son and put things into my husband's mind. I'm happy I'm having a girl. I've bought her so many cute dresses and hair accessories and cannot wait to have her and dress her up.

Am I wrong in being upset?