Baby shower "guidelines"???

Amber • Hi I'm Amber, I'm 30 & am pregnant with my second. I have a six year old boy and my SO has a nine year old daughter. We arent telling the kids until march, fir st appointment is on Feb. 11th. :-)

So I just got told by my mother in law that since I'm having my second child it is tacky for me to have another one. Because it is assumed that I kept everything from my first child. My son is 7...I was a one and done woman before I met my bf, I wasn't planning on ever having another child so I gave away almost all of my stuff. Luckily my mom kept my High chair, pack and play, bassinet, car seat and stroller.. so the shower isn't really for big gifts.. it's more for me to spend time with my friends and family.. play the games. Eat some food.. and maybe get some cute outfits. Lol.. but being told it'd be tacky really bothered me.

I'm not one to followed the rules anyhow it just really irked me