Semesters milestones. 😩

lovetheglam • Poshmark Reseller 🙋🏽‍♀️
I swear from the second you find out you're pregnant your mommy nurturing begins. 
You start to worry about your child immediately, right after you see that second line. 
First trimester- 
•am I going to miscarry?
•What can i do to make sure my baby is a sticky bean?
•Omg this morning sickeness is not letting me eat, is it affecting my baby!! 
Second trimester- 
•Omg is my baby developing normally? 
•Will the anotomy scan show good signs?
•They weren't able to check the brain because the baby is too low( this was my case) is his brain developing correctly? 
•Are these migraines normal?
Third trimester- 
• I dont feel my baby moving much? 
•is the baby okay? 
•is the umbilical cord around my babies kneck? 
•My baby is weighing or measuring too small, or too big.
•my baby is breech? 
•Are those hiccups? Why does my belly palpitating? Is my baby having a seizure?
•are these contractions or braxton hicks.
•I am afraid of stillbirth, will this happen to me? All these questions I've asked my self! 
I swear i am always questioning & or getting freaked out about things. I am now on my third trimester and i am petrified about still birth 😩😩😭