I wanted to write a small blurb to help other women out there who might think they may be expiring p...

I wanted to write a small blurb to help other women out there who might think they may be expiring pregnancy symptoms. First of all my SO and I didn't BD on most of my fertile days as you can see by my calendar. I ovulated on the 16 of March and got my BFP on Easter Sunday and again this morning.
​My first symptom was a patch of small bumps on my temple that itched; Almost like a heat rash. My face is usually clear so this was out of the norm especially since I didn't change any soaps/lotions.
​Next, body aches and a sore throat (that only lasted a day). It felt like I was coming down with the flu. I was also extremely tired but I chalked that up to my 10-12 hours work days in the military.
Other signs: tingly skin, slight nausea after eating, bloating, forgetfulness, and overly emotional over stupid things. Honestly nothing seem too out of the ordinary from my usual PMS symptoms except for when I got super painful heartburn in the middle of the night (I've only experienced this one other time in my life). Oh and I had a dream that I got a BFP around when I ovulated. Hopefully this helps out a few of you.