am I wrong?

this girl who lives a state over sent my fiancé pictures of them in the po box, an Intagram camera painted canvas, and a letter. she goes to every single one of his shows, even drove all the way to Ohio to watch him. she's trying her hardest to be friends or get close to him but she's never made it a point to talk to me or try to be my friend. she even goes as far as driving almost 2 hours to the small town we live in and driving all over our county hoping to either bump into my fiancé or his brother. at his show on st. Patrick's day she was front row as he performed and when she went to go leave she tried hugging all over my fiancé so I walked my ass over there and she stood there staring as he hugged me kissed me and told me he loved me. I told her I wanted to talk to her after that and I told her that I'm not going to put up with shit like that because to me, it seems like she's being messy and trying to come in between me and my fiancé. I told her that she's trying to be so close to him yet not making a point to talk to me or be my friend and he's not going to have a female friend that's not my friend, that's not how it works. she told me that she understands and would be the same way with her bf. so after all is said and done she walks up to my fiancé and tells him "I guess I can't come to your shows anymore because your gf just went off on me" then blocks me on social media and starts talking shit. it's taking me all I have to not drive 2 hours to confront her about it. am I wrong for feeling the way I do about the whole situation? I feel like a crazy girl but she's got me fucked up if she thinks I'll let this continue because I'm not going to put up with it