Urgent care sucks!

Brittany • Mommy to a wonderful 12yr old boy, 9yr old boy 7yr old girl 6yr old girl and 3yr old girl. Due March 11th 2023 with a boy.
Went to urgent care cuz I have asthma and have been really sick. My sinuses are swollen so I can't breathe through my nose and I am not a mouth breather what so ever. I'm coughing up green yuck. I'm short of breath which my asthma makes 10x worse and I have a bad cough and feel like I'm suffocating cuz I can't catch my breath when I'm coughing. Anyways the urgent care doctor told me since I'm pregnant he really
Can't do anything for me and to ride it out until Friday when I see my OB. What? My 5yr old has bronchitis and a sinus infection and I have a teething 8mth old. This Mama can't be sick and ride it out til the OB can take care of me. I bought some Tylenol cold medicine. I hope it helps. My inhaler is a class C so I'm trying so hard not to use it and I ran out of my singular.