Husband rant!!! Ugh!!!


Since I got pregnant, I've sacrificed a lot. I've given up drinking. Cigarettes. Caffeine (coffee and soda ) and my daily bag of hot cheetos or hot chips.... my husband on the other hand buys an energy drink, a package of caffeine pills, 1-2 cans of beer, and a pack of cigarettes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And we can't afford it... I don't have Insurance (I'm 10 weeks) We have rent and utilities to pay. Credit card debt. (His) 27,000$ hospital bill (that he refuses to take care of) groceries. Dog food. Cat food. Gas for my car. Have to fix his car ($1000),my car meeds a new tire, and take care of what our 5 yr old needs. And he is buying this shit like it's nothing! So irritating! !!!!

K sorry. Rant over...