How accurate are old wives tales?


"Tales" implies not very accurate at all, I know. But they exist for a reason right? I don't have my gender ultrasound until 21.5 weeks and I am so curious as to what my little seahorse is! FTM and FTP so I have no reference here.

I love junk food and sweets like crazy, but baby is having NONE of that. All fresh food and sour food. Fruit, veggies, citrus, salt and spice. So...that points to a boy.

Heart rate is 158. But my best friend had a boy and her son's HR was in the 160's and her daughter was in the mid 140's So...that one doesn't help.

My skin is pretty clear and awesome since I stopped taking progesterone in week 12. So...boy?

My bump is spread out to my hips though....that one is a girl.

Chinese calendar says boy. But my 2 step daughters also were supposed to be boys according to that.

I would be thrilled either way. But this wait is!

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