Is this right? 4 weeks to see a doctor?!

Theresa • Married since September '15. Together since '07. BFP March 28 - EDD December 4th/2016!

I just called my local clinic (only one within an hour) and they gave me an appointment date that is 4 weeks from today. I haven't seen a doctor at all regarding pregnancy, just got my BFP two days ago.

Is it normal to have your first appointment at 8 weeks along? I feel like so much can happen in the first little bit and I have so many questions... She said I can't be helped as a walk in either because it's a 30 minute appointment and they only alott 15.

I looked through posts and a lot say that 8 weeks was their first ultrasound, which I won't be getting, since there isn't one on site.

I'm so disappointed, but I'm not sure if I'm just being crazy...