An open letter to my husbands ex wife

An Open Letter to My husbands ex wife
I know you think my sole purpose is to
Come in and be better than you, to replace you. This is not true at all. Do you think I knew exactly what I was signing up for? To deal with the constant judgment of your magnifying glass? Truth is, I chose this life. I chose to take this on and love your children as if they are my own. To take care of them as I would hope someone would do for my child as a step-parent. Never would I have thought it would be this hard... Dealing with negativity and constant "you're doing it wrong"
mentality. The personal resentment that has nothing to do with our children at all. 
I see specials on TV during the day on people struggling to co-parent with their exes and their new spouses, and some that are doing amazing. I see the hurt it brings children first hand when they feel like they can't love me because they are afraid they will be in trouble...or that they can't tell you we did something fun without you thinking I'm doing it to rub it in your face. Every day I hope and pray for peace...For positive and interactive co-parenting for the kids. Don't they deserve that much?  Don't they deserve a family who works together to make sure every move is the best thing for our children? Sadly we live in a world of resentment and jealousy. We live in a world that says we should feel how other people think we should feel and take advice from those who's misery loves the company. What does it take to make this right? Not just for our children, but for us? I guess only time can tell...but if you're truly putting your children first, your pride needs to be last.