Weight loss help

So I've always been a big girl and I've never really been happy, I've had ups and downs but for the last 4ish years I've been very unhappy with how I look and it's led to a few years of depression. I don't know how much I weigh because I can't bring myself to check but my guess it's 250+lbs. I'm currently a student so gym memberships are a bit out of my price range although im looking one to bite the bullet and join one soon. I try to eat well while I'm at uni and I've been pretty good over the last month or so but whenever I come home I eat bad again, and I'm just about to come home for a 3 month long summer in June so I'm a little worried. I have bursts of motivation but it never lasts. I've also recently got a new boyfriend, we've been together about 3 months and he makes me feel beatiful but when he's not around I really can't stand how I look and I don't want to have to rely on someone else to love me - I want to love myself. Please help. I want to know your weightloss stories and how you've learnt to love yourself. Inspire me guys 💕✨