Ectopic pregnancy

Everything happened so fast and I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything :'( My husband and I were so excited to see that BPF after 8 months of trying. Started bleeding brown two days after and went in for blood work and ultrasound. We couldn't see anything and my doctor said it was too early to see anything yet. I was cramping on my left side constantly and got put on bed rest and my bleeding stopped. Woke up yesterday and had the worst pain I've ever had and went to the doctor. They said I was 7.5 weeks and still couldn't see anything, yet my levels were doubling perfectly. Finally, they confirmed it was ectopic. In a matter of hours I was on my count down of losing my baby and there was nothing I could do :'( I am so heartbroken and pissed! I am supposed to protect my baby and I feel like I just let them plow over me and take my baby. I can't wrap my head around everything. I can't stop crying. I feel like I never truly could be excited about this pregnancy because I was told from the get go I had a threatened miscarriage. How fair is that to my baby? :'(