Dumb things people say.

Today was harder than most I've had. It started when a doctor at work made a comment. He was unaware of my loss and it honestly didn't bother me at all. I went to refill a bottle of isopropyl alcohol and he told me I shouldn't be drinking alcohol when I was pregnant. I told him I didn't have that problem anymore and went about my day. The two girls in the room told him about my miscarriage after I left. They told me he was so upset with himself for saying something he felt was insensitive that he left the room and cried. They told me he his wife had a miscarriage and he felt really bad. He apologized to me later and refused to listen when I told him it was ok. I felt terrible for making him feel so bad. 
Then, a receptionist kept arguing about me taking her larger sized scrubs until i told her I didn't need them because I was no longer pregnant. She told me it was probably a blessing in disguise and I could have ended up with a disabled child instead. She told me it was all part of Gods plan. And I should just try again.