Cautiously excited

So we MC 2/23/16 (4th pregnancy with 3 being successful) I've been charting and tracking since a week after we lost our baby. Today I took hpt and saw a vvvfl so took another test of a different brand. Saw again a vvvfl. I'm 10 dpo today. Went to obgyn today for bloodwork for hcg abd progesterone. I want to be excited but I feel like it will all just disappear before I know it and that when the nurse calls me tomorrow she's going to tell me that tests were negative. I know what I saw ( Hubby saw too) but I can't help but feel the rug will be pulled out from under me. The pic below is from this morning. Bottom pic has 3/30 test on top with vvvfl with previous day 3/29 bfn result on bottom. It's hard to capture in pics but in person it's much easier to see. Will you guys say a prayer for us. Baby dust and prayers to all.