
I've been ttc since June 2015. I stopped my bc in May of 15 and then actively started trying in June. I have PCOS and was told it was going to be difficult but every month I was ovulating on my own and to my surprise I ended up pregnant in October. Unfortunately I miscarried at 6weeks in November. Since then I've gained 30lbs and my cycles have went from normal 30 days to 60-70 days on average. This month I've been actively trying and hubby and I have been BD since the day after my period ended. I am now on CD32🙄 no +opk no bbt change indicating ovulation. Went to the OB on CD24 and was told I had a follicle 12mm on right ovary maturing. Now DH and I are going out of town for the next few days and we won't be able to BD and I won't be able to test. Needless to say I am very discouraged. 10 months of trying and I still don't have my baby