Anyone else?

Stefani • 28 years old, DH is 30 and we are pregnant with baby #2
So i had my preconception check up on 3/15 and had sharp pain when the dr was feeling my left ovary. She was concerned about it possibly being a cyst so i went for an ultrasound on 3/22. Ive been playing phone tag with my drs office for a week now and its so frustrating! I just want to know the results already or at least schedule a follow up! Anyone else have a similar situation and be fine? Im so scared it could be PCOS or something 😣 Ive been ready for a baby for so long and DH and i have finally gotten all of our ducks in a row and started trying a couple months ago. Praying we can conceive soon! 🙏 DH is in need of a transplant and once he gets it the meds will dramatically drop his sperm count so we literally have a ticking clock on this. So stressed and in need of prayers please!