hope clomid and zaichaa

💞SuE💞 • 39/ TTC#1 4 rounds of clomid at 25mg. 1 round of ivf/fet failed dec16. 2nd round fresh failed 14feb17. fet in april17
Salam sisters
I'm currently on my second round of clomid. my first round at 50mg same ovulate 4 follicles though I didn't get pregnant I was excited. thus round us 25mg to avoid overstimulation but it's unmonitored. I'm currently cycle day 11 and was feeling curious. I have an astrologer uncle/ friend who many go to for reading out their charts and zaichaa ( he does something called rawal) and though I'm not usually interested I have had mine done in the past just for fun. he's often predicted many of the dangers I later did face in my life. anyhow, while he did my zaicha yesterday he said there was something wrong and a lump was in my tummy, and the motgerhood line was weak. this flattened me. I know I've got a large fibroid hanging outside my uterus size of a small coconut but it's harmless right now ( besides its size) and I'm trying my best to conceive. He just looked pitiful and said he prays it will happen but I just feel he was being kind and saw nothing. I know I shouldn't believe in charts or turn to anything like this and only believe in what Allah has planned for me but I'm still feeling so flattened.