In body else on here..

Feel like some people never heard a joke or experienced sarcasm until one day they download this app and look at what should be a clearly joking post and flip out? I have never experienced so many people this condensed into one space that seem to really not know how to recognize a joke. I get everyones sense of humor is different, but I feel like some people really lack the ability to take a joke.

↪Case and point: the post about Trump and his toupee. Clearly a joke picking on Trump individually by making fun of the fact that he is still wearing a hair piece despite everyone knowing that's not real hair (and perhaps that's why he's angry)

That is a very specific case. So specific that that OP isn't talking about everyone wearing a wig, especially not singling out your cancer stricken nana or anyone who wears make up, surgery, or dyes their hair. (Notice how I said everyone? If you're going to ruin everybody's fun by being unnecessarily inclusive, at least be inclusive yourself! Men do these things too. 😒)

Get a grip. Get hug. Or just get out. It's a joke.

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