Please respond, need advice

Ok this is kind of a long one so bare with me. 
I have had 3 miscarriages. I had a surgery in October of last year to hopefully fix all the problems that were fixable. Since then my body has not ovulated. 
I've done 2 rounds of clomid 100mg. The first round my blood work showed zero ovulation. I was then put on provera to just start my cycle which start February 28 and lasted until March 4. I then started the second round of clomid. 
March 16 I started a second cycle. Doctor said obviously clomid isn't working so come in and we will discuss your next options. 
My appt was this past Tuesday, the 5th. The day before I just randomly took an ovulation test(which I had been taking every day until the second cycle started then I stopped per Doctor request), anyways I took a test the day before my spot on the 4th and for the first time ever got a yes+(first response digital tests) 
I went to the doctors and he suggested <a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">ivf</a>. Which my husband and I agreed to do. We're not holding out for me to be pregnant just because we got a +ovulation test, so we wanted the plans for the next step to be set just in case rather than having to wait to discuss our options and then not be pregnant and start over. 
My question to you all is, I have the choice between starting provera Monday so we can start this whole process now, or wait it out and see if I start on my own or with the slim chance of getting pregnant naturally. What would you do? Wait it out or start the process asap?