Circumvallate Placenta

Tao • 26. Engaged. 7 year old girl and due September 2016. 2 Weimaraner kids.
I was recently diagnosed with a curled placenta. I went to the ER one night for constant plan and discomfort around my uterus. I was 17w at the time and was given a pretty thorough ultrasound. I got a called the next morning saying that they found something on my placenta and that my doctor needed to check up on it. 
That following Monday I already had an anatomy ultrasound and they checked it out. I have a large placental lake AND a curled placenta. Now I am 18w3d and will have another ultrasound to check it out in June. But I have several appointment before then. 
He said there was nothing to do but monitor it and to report if you have any bleeding or other odd symptoms. But my cervix is perfect right now. I have a history of preterm labor and this is just adding on to it! I'm trying not to stress out but it's all a waiting game. It can make growth for the baby harder and has less nutrients that get to it. And worse case scenario it detaches or ceases to work. So an early birth might be what saves this pregnancy. 
I want to just prescribe myself bed rest after my June appointment because I work retail where it's not possible to sit all day and we have stairs to access our basement which is something we frequently use. We're in such a bind at my job with scheduling that I don't know if I could get shorter shifts. I wanted to go on leave in August but I don't think it's possible now! 
Has anyway been diagnosed with this condition or any other placenta-related issues?