Well, here we go. Ttc #1 @ 35yo.

Sarah • 35 ttc #1

Happily married to a magnificent man who has baby fever more than me! Not by much, mind, but still true.

My annual exam was today so doc and I discussed things. Weight loss was his first item on the list. Already working on it, so check! Next was clomid which I've never heard of except on here so I have research to do. Then some xray of my fallopian tubes. Plus checking DH err...little swimmers.

And then doc says....at age 35 you have a 1/300 chance of having a child with downs. Okay, I could handle that. My cousin has downs. If my aunt with Parkinson and an abusive cheating husband could handle it, I could too. And a 1/150 chance of having a baby with other chromosomal defects. Like what? I need data. What kinds? I can tackle anything as long as I am informed.

So. If not pregnant by the 4th of July, we start more aggressive treatments since I am "not getting any younger" as doc said.

I thank God I didn't have kids with my ex, but...it was 8 years of time lost.

"Chromosomal disorders" don't scare me. It's the idea that my age would be the contributing factor to my child's potential issues in life.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Not scared off. Just getting battle ready.