Okay long rant.

So, Lets start off with my story. August 30th, I was sexually assaulted but a senior at my school on the bus to my technical school. (my high school is connected with a career center) And I told my mom that night. She called the school and they investigated it and the boy got suspended for 10 days. (now have been going to court a lot because of it) Okay, so in February, My English teacher turned me in for sleeping all class and the principal of my grade took me out of my 4th period class and got in my face and interrogated me about my life. They did an unlawful search and interrogation of my stuff. Now I was using my sisters old bookbag because mine broke the night before. She left her pocket knife in it and I got caught with it. I got expelled for 45 days. When I had a meeting with the superintendent, he did NOT ask for my side of the story. He took the principals word for it. She put words in my mouth saying I said I use it to protect myself against my mother which I NEVER said. Okay now my friend "H" got expelled for 45 days because she posted a sexual video on her snapchat on her own time. My friend "C" is famous around where I live and he got kicked out of cyber for nit going on so now he is back at my high school. He gets bullied, severely bullied. His fans called the school to yell at them for not doing anything about the bullying. He got suspended for 10 days because of that. This kid "E" that i work with got expelled for the same thing I did. Now let me remind you, there are a lot of country folk where I go to school so a lot of the boys carry pocket knifes and chew in their pocket and its super noticeable but not one teacher or staff says a word. How is it that I was sexually assaulted and the boy gets less of a punishment then I do. I've NEVER been in trouble at school before. I have a 3.0. My mom was saying how her and the parents of the other students should take our stories to the media. Another thing is the school bought over 4,000 iPads for every student in grades 4-12 and they just bought a new turf (the track and the gravel underneath the football field) but yet are laying off a lot of teachers, teachers who are the best I've ever seen. Im so super livid. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to agree with my mom about taking this all to the media. I need your opinions <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> and glow community. Your help would be so appreciated and I know this doesn't belong in this category but I want the most views and help possible. Please share and send around.