Am I wrong for this?

So now my mother in law doesn't like me again because she commented on my picture of my son where my mom and my husbands dad commented nice things and stuff. She tells everyone to "stand down because this is her first grandchild and she cra cra" etc etc. then she goes and comments on a picture from 2015 of me and a friend saying "yuck" because she didn't get along with the other girl in the pic when she visited last year. So I messaged her and politely asked her to please keep her thoughts to herself and I was so nice about it. Now she messaged me this long fb message saying how I don't tell her what to do and says if my husband (her son) chooses not to talk to her that's my fault. (Even though they don't really talk now and he pretty much raised himself) And I didn't even say anything rude. Am I wrong for messaging her? I told her I apologize for coming off as rude or for causing troubles it wasn't my intentions.