Stop Laughing at Me While I'm Eating!!

I work as a nurse at a pediatric practice. Every. Single. Day. I'll be eating my lunch or snacking on peanuts and people will walk by and laugh like I'm eating like a 600 pound whale. Literally every single day someone makes a comment on what I'm eating. "Oh not everyone eats healthy while they're pregnant" ( I was eating chips and salsa)
"No wonder you gained 25 pounds at 26 weeks) while I'm eating. Why is this ok???? I already know that I've gained a lot. I was 140 before I'm 165 now. But I work out almost every day and am constantly walking on the floor as a nurse. I already feel bad about the weight (even though I shouldn't) and even though I'm hungry I wait until it's lunch time or dinner time. So please stop fat shaming me. I'm not fat, I'm pregnant and doing my best. So step the Hell off! Thanks!