
Hiya, I'm looking for some advice/answers. I had some bleeding back when I was around 8 weeks and went for an early scan. They told me that my baby had decided to lay very low and that they were really conserned. They told me that I had a 50/50 chance of carrying full term. I then went to my doctor a week later due to really bad back pains. The doctor told me she wasn't worried that my baby was laying low. I was told when I went for my early scan that there was a high chance of complications and that I may need a c-section.. I've had another scan and to me the baby looked pretty low still. Can anybody advise me on this please? I'm currently 15 weeks now. Has anybody else had this problem? Did your baby move its way up as it grew bigger? I feel as if I was told two different things and I don't know if I should worry or not. Thanks😊