Zombie Brains

My home life sucks right now. My SO is stressed out beyond life. His grandmother is transitioning to her end of life. He was never particularly close to her but I can see that he is visibly bothered by this. He's also having trouble on his job. He basically said he feels like a zombie just walking the earth without a purpose. My brother was in the hospital for the past 3 weeks and had to have emergency surgery and a blood transfusion all while threatening to go into a diabetic coma as well as the possibility of kidney failure. I am so thankful to God that he is now home with our mother. So I've been on auto pilot. The issue is that i feel we've lost our intimacy and sex life. When we do have sex it seems to be effortless on his part. He doesn't want to try new things or even change the way we do it. He said its stress and i am pissed at him because its been this way for a while. Before his grandmother went on hospice and my brother and bad job issues. So whats the real excuse. He comes home every night so i don't think he's cheating. I asked him and that turned into a big argument. I am feeling discouraged and unhappy as we have been ttc for a year now and everything seems to b stuck on pause. I love him dearly but with everything we've been going through all we seem to do is argue with each other and sometimes sleep in separate rooms. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel like we may need time apart but how do u do that when you live together. He doesn't listen to me. I try to address the lack of sex and intimacy he defends it with he spends time with me when we sleep and he cuddles me to sleep. Feel like cuddling his face with my fist at this point