Overwhelmed 😪

18 w/ a older Bf , in love . He treats me good & is truely amazing . I'm 14 weeks pregnant & everything was planned . At this point I'm extremely overwhelmed , I'm still in hs I graduate in June   & plan on going to a community college after I get everything situated with the bby. I have a part time job & plan on working to the middle of my pregnancy even though he rather me not  . I just have a lot of stuff to do before the baby gets here like save a decent amount of money & get my license . I know I can accomplish all that I wish it just seems nearly impossible right now . I love him to death but I feel as though I am too dependent on him & wanna do stuff on my own . I don't regret the timing on which I am beginning to start a family Bc I don't believe there is ever a " right " time . Have any of you ladies been in simlar situations ? If so , I would love to hear the outcomes as it would be an inspiration to me ☺️💕