Income while on bedrest?

Have any other expanctant mothers been placed on strict bedrest? I've been on partial bedrest since I'm now 28 weeks, 2cm dialated, 40% effaced with no mucus plug and labor has started for me 3x now since 23 weeks gestation and have been advised to go on strict or hospital bedrest immediately. At 24 weeks when I started dilating I went on light duty (quit my 2 odd jobs, and am working only patient hours no more then 7 hours a day and 3 days a week) and have been using my vacation time to cover the time lost. I now only have 2 weeks of paid vacation left and DO NOT get paid maternity leave. In the month of May, my husband goes to mandatory schooling where he WILL NOT get paid. He makes $1200 a week, so he can collect unemployment after week two of being gone but they've given him a MAX of $1,000 that entire month he will be away... With 3 children, 2 in diapers and one who's special needs I have no idea what I am going to do. I want my baby to make it as far as we can and to be healthy but I can not afford the time off especially with 12 weeks left in the pregnancy... Any advice?