Jealous of breastfeeding moms

Amelia`s Mommy • Loving wife. First time mommy to a beautiful baby girl. 1-23-16 💖💝🎀🍼
Its it bad that I am jealous of moms who breastfeed? I wanted to SO bad but didn't produce enough milk for my baby. I tried EVERYTHING! I ate healthy drank A LOT of water and ONLY water. I took fenugreek vitamins but nothing seemed to help.... and I cried when I went to pump and nothing came out. I didn't want my baby to be formula fed (although I dont see anything wrong with it) I just wanted to feed my child... if you know what i mean? It killed me. I was only able to breastfeed for 2 weeks. Once I stopped producing and swapped to formula I noticed a huge difference. She got colic she ended up getting acid reflux and started vomiting. I HATE having to formula feed.... she's 3 months now and it still gets to me...