Pregnancy Posts?

Any one else just scroll past the "Am I Pregnant?!" Posts? I see them like every other one. There are plenty of ways to tell you are pregnant. Go to the doctor or take a pregnancy test. Can't afford a pregnancy test? Then you probably shouldn't be having sex. Can't afford condoms or birth control! Don't have sex. Think you're pregnant from swallowing cum? Well your mouth isn't your vagina so probably not. I understand people need other understanding people to talk to but you should go to a doctor or OBGYN who might know more than people on this app (not to discredit the people who actually know what they're talking about but you guys are kinda rare). Idk... I just think the amount of "Am I Pregnant?!" Posts are getting a bit out of hand and repetitive...
478 views β€’ 8 upvotes β€’ 19 comments



Posted at
I saw one were a girl show a belly pic and ask if she was pregnant it's ridiculous they're everywhere really 


β™‘Lyricsβ™‘ β€’ Apr 15, 2016
Your welcome


Alexa β€’ Apr 15, 2016


Posted at
I've seen girls post topless pics and ask if the way their boobs look could be a sign that they're pregnant. Nobody knows what they looked like before and how would we know anyway?


Alexa β€’ Apr 16, 2016
I agree^^ lmao πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Samah β€’ Apr 15, 2016
U made me laugh and I wasn't even in the mood I've been so sick.. But ur comment just made laugh to the point my son is looking at me like what?? Lool


Posted at
Completely agree!! πŸ™ŒπŸ»


Posted at
I'd love to know how to drop that board too. I hate those posts. Seriously by a damn pregnant test. I didn't have sex with you how the hell would I know if you are pregnant?


Posted at
Yeap I never look at them. If you're too dumb to take a test you're too dumb for my reply..


Posted at
These are also the types of posts I'd rather scroll past, but I thought I'd pop in to let you know that this is just the same post we see very often.


Alexa β€’ Apr 16, 2016
I normally do too but it's past that point now lol


Posted at
Are you part of the "AM I pregnant?" Group because that would explain that


Alexa β€’ Apr 15, 2016
Nope I'm just lucky enough to see them all the time lol


Posted at
Well... Maybe there happen to be lots of women ttc. This is an app for women & periods, pregnancy postpartum etc so it seems like they're in the right place.


Alexa β€’ Apr 16, 2016
I'm not talking about people ttc I'm talking about the teens that think swallowing cum can get them pregnant lol or can't afford protecting in the first place


Posted at
True story, when I was a kid my mom told me you could get pregnant from kissing a penis... I believed it until I was 18 πŸ˜‚


Posted at
Those are so annoying. It's always like, so I had sex this day and this happened and now I'm feeling this and this and this and I'm sure its a boy and I've already bought this and this but haven't bought a pregnancy test so its not for sure. Okay maybe that's a little exaggeration but still, it's ridiculous.


Alexa β€’ Apr 16, 2016
LmaoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that's hilarious!!! But I totally 100% agree with you