Help with Islam

Ok so I have written a few post so far. I just finished my period yesterday so that means tomorrow I can pray. Pray for the first time. Before you judge hear me out. I have been talking with my BF for a long time about becoming Muslim. He and his family are already Muslim and I told him that I would become one because our relationship wouldn't work otherwise. Well a few days ago my BF went to the army. But the day before he left I told him that I was ready to take the next step. To officially say the prayer that Allah is God and I forget the rest. Well I will say it in the morning. But for now I can only pray in my own way cuz I have never been taught to pray the way Muslims pray.  I just need tips and pointers as to customs and ways and what's right and wrong in Islam. What's considered clean. What to do if I sin. How to pray. When to pray. Why to pray. Anything that involves Islam. I am very willing to learn. As of right now I am learning Arabic. So as you can see I need a lot of help. Thank you all so much.