Names for children

Ok so I my fiancé and I talk all the time about names for our children. I want at least one child to have an American name because that is where I am from. But I submit to my man pretty well and because of that he and I come up with a lot of "deals" so to speak. 
In America we have middle names. And in Egypt they do not so I offered an idea of our children having American middle names and he is pondering the idea. But so far we have names for four children. 1 girl and 3 boys. Muhammad,Abdel, and Adam for the boys and Egypt (Masr) for the girl. What do you all think. I am very new to being a Muslim. So I just want opinions on pretty much everything. Like is it good to make "deals". Should I give up the American name idea should I give up the middle name idea and most of all what do you think of the names?