Does it happen to you that...


Everyobe kind of ignores that you are pregnant in some things, but totally remember is when it actually comes to something that you want?

Example: I work in another town and have 90 minutes commute each way every day with 2 changes (bus-train-bus). And everyone is totally fine with that!

The other day I scheduled to meet a friend in another town, which is just 15 minutes far from my place,and my mother was like: what?!! You're pregnant! You shouldn't go there, tell her to come here!

Btw, my friend lives quite far and for her to get to my town is 1 hour ride, so we just tried to make it as comfortable for each other as possible.

In other things it's the same. I'm not too pregnant to work fulltime, but too pregnant to have a walk in a park after work. Not too pregnant to run after my toddler for the whole weekend, but too pregnant to have a trip to a shopping mall when I want to. Not too pregnant to help my father on a weekly base with calling to beaurcrats from local authorities and hear them yell at me, but too pregnant to eat some salmon!!!