

Does anyone else feel like reading posts on <a href="">Nurture</a> and other <a href="">pregnancy apps</a> makes you feel more nervous about your pregnancy and a possible miscarriage, pregnancy issue, birth defects, etc.? I find myself at a point where I just try to read the posts that sound positive based on the title, but that doesn't always turn out to be the case 😐
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I was stressing myself out so badly when I first got this app, constantly reading about miscarriages and all that. They really aren&apos;t as common as they sound, when people say how 1 in 3 women will miscarry that is going off of chemical pregnancies. Most of those women are so early on that they don&apos;t even realize they are pregnant yet as they haven&apos;t even missed a period. They really are not as common as they seem. I have just stopped reading anything that is negative, wether it be a post about a miscarriage or people worrying over specific symptoms. I know that sounds harsh, my heart goes out to all the women who have suffered a loss, but I just feel like if I read those things I will get sad and paranoid. I feel better when I don&apos;t read them. (:


Posted at
Miscarriages happen to at least 1/3 of women. Most are completely unavoidable &amp; those women need and should have a platform. As a survivor of several myself, I have learned to live day by day and know the worrying only destroys my joy. So my advice is simply this, focus on the good, healthy news you get for your own baby and be empathic to the mom&apos;s who are not so lucky. I understand how hard this is, believe me. But talk to your doctor about your concerns and be kind to those suffering women. Try not to internalize it. Again, I know how hard this is for mommy&apos;s. But it&apos;s all we can do.


Shayla • Apr 21, 2016
I agree, Samantha.


Sam • Apr 20, 2016
I think most of the people commenting here are with you. We don't think the posts are bad. I fir one am very glad you guys have such a safe spot to come and rally around each other. And I'm right there too with chin up comments. I don't know what more to say other than chin up because this devastating situation has never happened to me. my heart breaks for all of you. And I know if it happened to me you guys would feel the same way. I hope I made sense here its very hard to read what I've written


Posted at
Yes yes and yes ! Sometimes I take a break and go back to my baby books to keep a good balance. I try my hardest to will this pregnancy to God in every way possible, but women will be women and I'm very good at worrying ... 😬😬


Shayla • Apr 21, 2016
Definitely true. I'm a worrier also. I worry about worrying too much lol


Posted at
This app definitely has me thinking I should be prepared for a miscarriage. I feel like it&apos;s happen to a third of the girls on here and the ssd posts always have me thinking &quot;that could be me&quot;. Every time I pee I brace myself to see blood. I just try and take deep breaths and pass by the sad ones now.


Sam • Apr 20, 2016
It's really good to know that there's a safe space where people can rally around if that ever happens.


Shayla • Apr 20, 2016
Very true, Asia.


Asia • Apr 20, 2016
It's hard to remind yourself of all the women that in fact turn to apps for support of prior loss. I had a hard time when I first joined, but had to constantly remind myself that my pregnancy is actually going really good and I have no signs of miscarrying! Good luck to you


Posted at
Yes!! In a way it's been both good and bad cause I've learned a lot of stuff that I didn't know about before (like what a blighted ovum is and that missed miscarriages can happen...etc.,) but the amount of unnecessary anxiety those posts have given me has been not good. I think it's healthy for moms to speak about their miscarriages so I don't blame them for posting and sharing about it I just need to have better judgement and not read those posts myself.&nbsp;I can feel like everything is going great and there's nothing wrong with my baby and then I read one post and all of a sudden I'm scared EVERYTHING is wrong 😩


Shayla • Apr 20, 2016
Exactly my thoughts!


Posted at
I actually was thinking this same exact thing before seeing this post, I'm happy I just stumbled across this post and I'm not the only one feeling this way. It's gotten to the point where if I open a post and even see the word miscarriage I just have to immediately ex it out. Reading them makes me so upset and more and more paranoid. I'm so scared for something to happen this pregnancy. I pray every day everything will be ok and I pray for the ones who did have to go through a loss of their baby. It breaks my heart, but we just gotta stay positive!&nbsp;


Posted at
Oh my goodness, yes. I stay away from most of the pregnancy posts.


Posted at
I&apos;m absolutely terrified of having a miscarriage. I see so many girl on here say they have had one so I feel like it&apos;s going to happen to me. Every time I go pee I need to check the toliet paper to make sure everythings fine. I basically have convinced myself it&apos;s going to happen and I don&apos;t know how to get rid of all the anxiety and just enjoy being pregnant.😩


Posted at
I'm already a terrible worrier, so I hide posts immediately if they have a sad headline, to save myself the anxiety.


Posted at
I actually had to come off this app for about a week because it was basically giving me anxiety when I first found out I was pregnant. Then I tried to just look at positive posts. But I read my "daily posts" on my home page and those are sometimes really bad too. Like one when I was like 8 weeks it's like oh don't tell people cause you could probably miscarriage. And then one the other day said don't sleep on your back or you'll &nbsp;cut off your babies oxygen supply and kill it. Like wtf. I don't even read all of them anymore.


Krista • Apr 20, 2016
For real. I wake up and I've turned to my back and I freak. But I looked it up in my what to expect book and basically says could cut off YOUR circulation causing your legs to go numb but shouldn't harm baby


Shayla • Apr 20, 2016
Yes! As SOON as I'm feeling reassured that things are okay with my baby, I read someone's post and then I have to start Googling and self-diagnosing. Lord, and the paranoia about lying on my back lol