Alone + no support😭

Shaleigh • Young | Engaged to the love of my life💍👰🏽 | nervous new mother to be👶🏻
Being a teen and pregnant isn't easy. Especially since I already have no friends. My boyfriend has gotten over the oohs and ahhs of it. My mother just wants to tell me all the ways the baby could die. And I feel like I'm going to throw up most of the time. It's just really hard to have no one to relate to or anyone genuine to talk to epecially cause no one is in my exact position. Idk I guess I'm just ranting. It's hard to know when your feelings are valid when you're pregnant cause everyone is telling you, "it's just hormones", "You'll feel better in the morning" Even if they have been pregnant before, they aren't me and they aren't in my situation.