Early signs of pre-e?

Shelby • 4-19-2008

Hello All, I am running into a situation where I would like to ask for opinions. I have had a big issues with migraines recently. I was prescribed Fioricet. I take it when needed. For the last three days I have had massive migraines! My nurse told me to check my pressure and if I'm 140/90 then to go in and call on call doctor. Well I checked it. And I am... 149/94 for the last hour. The doctor said there was nothing he could really do, and to call my OB tomorrow. And for the time being to take 1000mg of Tylenol and get some rest. He said it's really early to show signs of pre-e, but has anyone else ran into this issue? He said it's possible I have it but I have an appointment Friday where hopefully I can get some answers.

Sorry this was so long!