Can't deal with these emotions!!!! Is this normal?

Angela • Mom to 3

Ok first a rant. My (future) sister in law (husbands brothers fiance) is driving me CRAZY. I live with her currently and I just can't. She thinks we're best friends but I can't stand to be around her for more than ten minutes. She's incredibly immature and I'm in no state to deal with that. This pregnancy is making me hormonal as I approach the third trimester.

Is it normal to feel soooooo moody at this point??? 25w3d I can't even have conversations with people anymore without crying or getting mad or over excited. I keep getting general and social anxiety that I haven't had for years. I had a panic attack the other night. Had the driver pull the car over and then collapsed on the sidewalk sobbing and shaking and thought I was having a heart attack.

I've been allowing myself things like soda pop, cookies, processed meals etc that I rarely ate before pregnancy and I can't workout as hard as I used to so that probably has something to do with this whole thing. Is anyone else this emotional at this stage???? I just want to lay in bed and sob all day but the weird part is I'm so happy about my life and excited about the baby that I shouldn't want to cry!! Ughhh