I'm so mad at the poor U/s tech 😫 just venting!

So at (what I thought was) 10 weeks, I had the Nipt test done and found out I was having another girl, girl #4. Not gonna lie I was pretty upset that I'd never have a boy, since I almost definitely won't have 5. But I looked at all the positives of girls only and I came around and was ok with it. Then my dr said at my next appt they'd had my dates wrong, and I was only 8+3 when I took the test, making the results invalid. So I still figured it was probably a girl, but there was a possibility it was wrong. So like 6 weeks later at 15 weeks I paid for a u/s at a private place and was told definitely girl. I had already accepted it. 5 weeks later, my anatomy scan the tech told me, it looks like a boy! I was SHOCKED. I didn't believe her I was like no that's not possible and she assured me it was and I got all excited like an idiot, started gushing about how happy I was, only to have her tell me 3-4 minutes later. Wait no. It's definitely a girl😭😭😭😭 I'm already trying so hard to be positive about this all girls thing and i feel like this morning was just torture! I just keep getting teased with this possibility of a boy, with the wrong dates and then this. Can you even imagine???? Why didn't she just wait till she was sure before she said anything 😡😫