Im sorry if this offends anyone

Savannah • 18, expecting our princess 7/13/16

Im sorry if anyone finds this offensive, definitely not trying to start anything on glow but i just have to say a womans body during pregnancy is amazing.

We go through so much, everything about our bodys change, our hips spread out, our skin streches, we get strech marks, even our intestestines move around!! Thats crazy!!

Our hormones are all out of wack, mood swings, cravings, so much goes on!

I used to not want to get a baby bump, i was ashaned of my body especially since i am a young mom but now, i feel beautiful.

I feel happy .

And you know what i deserve to feel that way! I am creating a human being!!!

I will continue to feel beautiful, to be happy and not put myself down.

My body is changing FOR my beautiful little girl :)