When did everyone tell their parents?

Hey Ladies,
We'll be officially 8weeks and 2 days when we get together with our family. It's an unexpected get together, and so my hubs and I are trying to decide if we should tell them were expecting then or still wait till Mothers Day when we'll be closer to week 12. 
Our cousin is down, and so I know she will ask us how our fertility treatments are coming along and in worried to lie and tell everyone "we're taking a break" (we miscarried back in November) and then only 2 weeks later say "Surprise! We lied! We're almost 3 months". Haha. 
I'm curious! When did everyone tell their parent!?? We told ours immediately last time, but we're going to hold out for the full 3 months this time. However!! Once we saw baby and baby's heartbeat, were finding it SO hard not to share our news and excitement!! 
Looking for some stories here to help make our decision easier! :) 
Any ladies who previously miscarried ...Wnen did you tell your parents the news?