Back in December 2015 my periods began to become very irregular I was around 14 days late and bled f...

Back in December 2015 my periods began to become very irregular I was around 14 days late and bled for 12 days with not a single positive HPT. After a visit to my doctor she suggested I take the contraceptive pill to get my periods back to regular cycles, as I was actively TTC this was heartbreaking news. I decided to delete my <a href="">glow app</a> and rejoin when I was ready to TTC again. I had a few ovulation tests left so on the off chance I took one, it came out super dark positive. That night I met up with the girls for a few (too many) glasses (bottles) of wine. That night and in fact the day after I totally forgot to take my pills (the hangover was killing me). 2/3 weeks later again on the off chance I took another ovulation test and again it came up super dark, only this time I knew I had ovulated. So off I went to the shop to buy a cheapy HPT (didn't want to use an expensive one just to see a negative) so I got home after convincing myself I must have ovulated twice... Peed on that dreaded stick and a second line came up, so I did my second cheap test... Another second line, so I took out the 2 expensive tests and they were positive too!!
I couldn't believe my eyes after 8 months of actively TTC, when I least expected... When I had given up all hope I finally got my bfp. The stress of TTC really does make a difference. Good luck ladies I really hope you get your bfp soon. My only advice is just enjoy your love life I tried 3 years for my first and again only fell pregnant when I gave up all hope xx