Pain/Lump on Lower Leg

I'm not coming here asking for a "medical diagnosis" or anything of the sort. I realize we're not professionals and that if I have a concern I should go and see a doctor. But here's my situation. I've been in L&D twice in the last 2ish weeks, and I don't want to go if I'm overreacting and it's nothing. 
Last Sunday I started having some bruise-like pain in my lower left leg. I noticed a teeny tiny bruise(?)/varicose vein(?) in the general area where it was sore. It felt sort of like a shin splint and at one point was so bad I was limping. Eventually the pain went away. 
Tonight, the pain suddenly came back, along with a small, barely detectable lump right above the bruise/varicose vein. 
If I'm having any swelling of the ankles/feet/calves it's hardly detectable. 
I am on baby aspirin for prevention of high blood pressure, which I've heard makes DVT even less likely, which my anxious mind is jumping to the conclusion that this is. 
Is this worth making a weekend trip in to L&D, or can it wait?
Keep in mind, I don't have a doctor I can call. I do have a nursing hotline, which isn't very helpful either (all they can tell me is to go get checked or not; they can't give me any sort of diagnosis or advice). 
Thanks in advance!