Sad day

With this being my 4th cycle of Clomid, and the first one at 100 with a trigger shot, I don't think this is my cycle. It's 11 dpo and bfn. However, ppl came back pos. I will obviously wait to confirm if af shows or not. Even though this may be the case for me, that is not the reason I am sad. I am sad bc I am utterly alone on my feelings. Maybe my feelings are heightened a bit, but it's just a blow to the gut knowing you had great potential this month and it may not happen. A huge part of me now wants to give up on my dream, and maternal dream that is. Dh doesn't know how to be supportive during this time. The only one supporting me, other than the medical side, is my mom as she had fertility issues as well. I know this is just an emotional hump I need to get over, but the more tries I put it, the more grim it looks. 😢😢😢😢