Clomid AND Follistim?

Sara • 39 yrs old. Just married for 3 weeks. Husband is 32. Trying for our first and most likely only.
I just started seeing a new RE and he has prescribed 100 mg Clomid on days 4-8 and then 100iu of Follistim on days 9 and 10 and an ultrasound on day 11. If needed I will then do two more days of Follistim followed by Ovridril. Has anyone had a similar protocol and had success? We have had 5 IUIs with just Clomid. And all ended with BFN. We took a month off and I ended up pregnant but it was abnormal and I had to have a D&C in February. This is my first cycle after the D&C. I'm nervous but anxious to see how I react to the Follistim.