What do hemorrhoids look like?

Embarrassing question. Lol...I'm 4 months post partum. 4 days after having my son I went to the doctor because I had some external hemorrhoids that were bleeding pretty bad. I also had severe constipation. Here I am 4 months pp and still constipated although better. I've noticed some pain when having a bm and slight bleeding again this week. Also some pressure in my anal region when sitting/passing gas. I finally got the courage to look down there and saw a small bump of skin that looks like it is bulging (very slightly) from inside my anus. It's soft/moveable and not painful to the touch. Hemorrhoids? I was too afraid to see what they looked like when I was diagnosed with them after having my son & now of course I'm worried it could be serious 🙄 because, Google hates me. I realize nobody can tell me by description if its hemorrhoids but just wondering if it sounds similar to those who have had them.